The Priestess Path


Once I review your application, I will be in touch to feel if we are a fit to work together and, if so, to give you your prescribed path.

I hold the codes of Essence and Remembrance, and if this work is feeling resonant your codes are calling you to be activated.

Also, through my Feminine Lineage, I serve the codes of Truth above all. Even if it means it is not true for us to work together at this time.

This container is held in tandem with the energy of the land I serve, which is connected to a star portal associated with the seeding of ancient earth civilizations.

The field initiates the crystalline DNA of your unique Essence in deep connection with the body and the earth, where life and work emerge as the same masterpiece.

Note: Anything standing in the way of your embodiment of the frequency of Priestess, and her true feminine power, would come up for dissolution and integration, so this is a deep holding.

Working with me at this level is a 6 month minimum.

If you have the desire, I invite you to apply.

Are you open to the mystery, the unknown, the void?

Know that if this work is true for you, you will be able to have it.

Whatever comes up for you in this process of choosing into this work will be alchemizing in and of itself.

It is by design.