Shamanic Healing Session

Stop feeling lost, and find Yourself.


You are reading this for a reason.

Of all the infinite possibilities in the universe, you found your way right here, right now.

Your intuition is communicating with you in the best way she knows how: through signs and synchronicities.

Here’s a checklist to confirm that you were called to this page in perfect divine timing. If any one of these applies to you, welcome home.

  • You are feeling some level of confusion, overwhelm, stress, frustration, or despair.

  • You’ve had enough of the same old shit. You know it’s time to shift, so you can feel different and have a different result.

  • You are sick of wasting your precious life waiting for “someday”, as the days tick by and you are in an endless ‘do-loop’ thinking I know I was put here for something greater than this.

  • You are up against an unwanted pattern or blockage that despite your wisdom, intelligence, will, spirituality, and savviness, you just can’t figure how to navigate around.

  • You’re familiar with that heavy energy of resistance that sometimes makes you want to cry, curl up in the fetal position, pull your hair out, or scream.

  • You are feeling, in a word, stuck.

  • You are reading this and feel some sense of relief at the idea of real transformation, and the joy, clarity, connection, love, meaning, purpose, and freedom it will bring to your daily life.

  • That quiet voice inside of you, the one that can so rarely be heard over all the noise and distraction of the busy day-to-day, is whispering to you, “It’s time.”

And so it is.

What to expect.

Anything. Everything.

The healings are intuitive and guided by Spirit, so each one is different, spontaneous, and totally responsive to your specific energetic needs. But you’ll always get some combination of the following:

  • Energy Work - Through the use of sacred Shamanic tools, we will clear out from your energy field any hootcha (negative, low vibration, stuck or blocked energies that are not in resonance with you) and pack you full of sami (very high frequency energies of divine light and blessings)

  • Intuitive Coaching - We’ll sift through what’s up for you right now, and I’ll give you guided feedback, inquiry, and mirroring that will allow you to see the truth of any situation so you can move beyond it

  • Spiritual Strategies - You will receive custom at-home processes, practices, and essential oil recommendations that will allow you to keep your vibration high after the session ends, specific to your energetic needs and desired outcomes.

The intention of any session is to move you with the breath of spirit, so you feel immediate relief - lighter and brighter - and remove anything that is keeping you separate from knowing yourself as pure source energy and unlimited possibility.

What all this means.

  • Clarify and manifest your true soul purpose so you can fall in love with your life, filled with meaning and abundance

  • Move from your left-brained, masculine, analytical, ‘doing’ self to your right-brained, feminine, intuitive ‘being’ self so you can feel less force and fear and more flow and fluidity

  • Get in touch with your inner gifts and zones of genius for easy and effortless expansion in your work

  • Clear your energy field so you are attracting what you want (and not subconsciously repelling it)

  • Learn to work with energy yourself for more magic, miracles, and synchronicities

  • Co-create your dream reality with the universe

  • Discover your inner healer

  • Connect with higher intelligence for better, more effective decision-making, so you know the best action to take

  • Create clear energetic boundaries so you get more done in less time and stop feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or spread thin

  • Clean out any energies that aren’t yours so you feel clear

  • Experience yourself as the divine being you are

  • Our work together will invite the highest part of you to take the wheel and drive, so you can relax, surrender, and have a little fun in this great adventure

The logistics.

  • Click the ‘Book Now’ button below to set up your appointment. Your healing begins the moment you schedule, as the energetic container for our work opens.

  • Sessions are $222.

  • Sessions usually last about 90 minutes.

  • I require full payment at time of booking for three reasons:

    • It’s an energetic exchange that demonstrates to the universe your commitment to your healing and opens the container for the transformation to commence.

    • The ego will likely mount its resistance as soon as you book with all its reasons why you shouldn’t do the healing (it smells its demise). This is your soul’s insurance against the ego’s crafty tactics for keeping you stuck and small.

    • It’s no fun to have to deal with payment at the end of the healing when you are feeling all bright and shiny. This way you are free to move into your day - and your life - with purpose and power.

  • All sessions are remote via phone. Energy is holographic, so I am able to work on your energy body at a distance with as much efficacy as if we were in-person. This gives me full access to all my tools, while allowing your home space to also get the benefits of the healing.

  • I will call you at the time of the appointment.

  • Once your session is confirmed, I will send you a link to my New Client Form that must be returned to me prior to our work together (it will take you about 15 minutes to complete). It will include all the necessary details of our session.

  • Your specific path after this session is individualized and organic. Many folks only need one session. Some are meant to move into my Medicine Wheel Manifestation Program, and others book an ‘energy tune-up’ if a new blockage is coming up in their lives or when they need guidance. I will offer my guidance at the end of a session to assist you in creating the best course of support. But bottom line: you’ll just know if and when you need another one.

  • This healing session with me is usually the best place to start if you’ve never worked with me before. It will ‘unstick’ you, get you acquainted with me and my approach, and prepare you energetically for any other work we chose to do together.

  • Still got questions? Contact me.


What happens if you don’t.


Nothing happens.

Tap into that pain of staying stuck, a year from now, 5 years from now, 20 years from now. Even being on your deathbed without having lived the life you were meant to.

Listen up, sweet spirit. You were guided to this very page for a reason. Your soul is nudging you. You may be thinking there is a someday: “Someday I will get this figured out, someday I’ll do what I’m really meant to do, someday I’ll have that perfect relationship”.

We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow. Your only point of power is right now. In the present moment. Only a fresh choice made now will direct a new future. Otherwise, your life turns into an endless series of ‘somedays’. Or even lifetimes of it.

How will it feel if you get this blockage dissolved, tap into your creative power, and begin really living a life of joy, inspiration, and meaning? One you wake up excited to co-create with the universe each and every day. The life you know you were born to live.

Stop going through the motions and start feeling alive.

Spirit put you here for a reason. You chose to come to this earthly plane to experience the richness of your power to create.

And as you wait to ‘get that clarity’, becoming once again resigned to life ‘as-is’, you also deprive the world of the uniquely special gift that you were put here to share. And the deep satisfaction that comes from living in that space.

Make this the lifetime you bless us all by stepping into the robes of your highest self.

Your soul is calling. Will you answer?



What others are saying.


“Before I met Stefanie, I had been dealing with misdiagnosed, chronic health issues. I wasn’t living life, but merely existing. I was miserable, felt stuck and saw no end in sight. I was desperate for change when I had my Shamanic healing with her. After our session, I immediately felt different and my energy had shifted. I’ve since graduated from school and landed the most incredible job. My body has continued to heal and I’m almost 100% recovered. So much good sh*t has happened, it’s miraculous!” -Shannon B.


“Before working with Stef, I was in a deeply stuck place and had been for a long time. My job, location, purpose all seemed clear as mud and I had grown discouraged and hopeless. The movement forward my life has taken since our session together is truly miraculous - I was offered to move to my dream location with work, I have clarity and have taken concrete action on my passion, and I am optimistic, hopeful, and at peace. Stef’s intuitive skills and gifts are remarkable and life-changing.” -Dana P.


“Such a clarifying and lifting experience. Steffie is so empowered by the medicine she offers that there seems to be an extraordinary force behind her work. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in spiritual healing. During the session. I clearly saw the beliefs and energy that were previously holding me down. My state of mind was suddenly so light, and I got back into alignment right then and there. This work is clearly her calling and it runs through her veins.” -Aneta M.


“Since my session with Stefanie, I’ve had the clarity to go all-in on my divine purpose as a Conscious Stylist. I am manifesting the work of my dreams! I feel much lighter and more open. Energetic junk has been moved out. I feel more connected and intuitive.” -Lindsay N.


“Since my healing with Stefanie, I have been able to release the past karmic energy that kept me stuck in chronic patterns, which prevented me from opening to what I truly I want. Not only did I meet the love of my life within one month of my session, I have released worries and fears and embodied fresh, empowering behaviors, no longer constrained by the trap of my old expectations. I have a clear picture of where my soul is in this lifetime and what I want to accomplish.” -Trisha W.


“Before booking my appointment, I felt hesitant about the unknown of the healing process. Now, though, as a result of our work together, I feel so much more comfortable in my body; I’ve been able to shift a behavior pattern that I had previously struggled with for years. Side benefit: I feel lighter and brighter, and calmer. I have been able to be more patient and intentional with my kids. I can ‘let it be’.” -Sage F.


“Since working with Stefanie, I’ve noticed huge changes in my overall feeling of calm, peace, and non-attachment.  Directly after our session, I went into a situation that usually is pretty stressful for me, but this time I was able to let go and let everything happen as it was meant to without the compulsion to control or fix. It was an amazing sense of peace that I could start living, like really living, this way every day.” Kerri B., Highlands Ranch, CO


“My healing cracked me wide open. Before, there were so many messages that I ignored; gut checks that I shoved down deep. This experience helped me tune in, sit down, and have a cup of tea with my inner self. I’m now living in alignment with my purpose in a new career I love that’s in integrity with who I am. And I am walking my path with deep authenticity, trust, inner knowing, and confidence.” -Hallie O.



Giving back.

10% of net proceeds from my shamanic healing work is donated to the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange, a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection, preservation, and empowerment of Shamanic-based indigenous tribes.