Feel + follow the frequency of your medicine
Be in service to your frequency, so that you are served
Let the frequency tell you what form She wants to take
Channel your energy into this form for flow, awakening, and expansion
Dear Fellow Creator,
Your frequency is how the divine reflects through your prism of light out into the world. It is the flavor of your medicine, and the essence of your mission.
It begins as Desire which sparks Creation.
You don’t choose what you want. Desire chooses you.
When you let the spark move you to serve the frequency, the frequency serves the people. They are innately called to the frequency like a magnet. They can feel the codes of your channel awakening the codes within them.
They don’t actually choose to work with you, the human. They choose to work with your channel, because they are attracted to the codes you hold. When they invest, they aren’t investing in you. They are investing in the frequency. The frequency feeds them, not you. And then you are fed by the frequency.
The freeing thing is - you aren’t doing it. Source energy is. Which is infinite, and therefore totally sustainable. Because Source is the frequency, you get to be completely unattached, which means that when you show up it is always clean (without any manipulation, gripping, people-pleasing, resentment, burden, drain, fear, or burn-out).
And also, you don’t have to be in ‘customer service’, because you serve the frequency, not the people.
Which means you get to honor your own cycles of creation and be completely authentic in your life and work. No overriding or abandoning yourself for others. Which is the greatest service of all.
And the great by-product is, the people get served in the fullest way possible that actually honors their sovereign power of choice and knowing.
No pushing, pulling, convincing, or hooking required.
You get to be completely unattached to the form when you serve the frequency, because when you serve the frequency, the frequency will tell you what form she wants to take, and Her form serves you.
It’s Feminine law.
This 12-month container will help you to take the pre-verbal impulse nudging you from within and transmute it into a well-fed feminine business that is frequency-focused - rather than people-focused - so that the people and you can be richly served.
A big part of this work is your own pattern exploration and understanding your shadow and your unconscious parts so that they aren’t the ones running your business - YOU are.
We often bypass these pieces through ‘get shit done’ productivity checklists and mindset work, when - in fact - the cosmic poetry of birthing a business is that these parts of us get to be seen, met, and integrated. This is the true purpose of having a business, at a soul level. The awesome by-product of this is tending a creation that is an extension of who you really are, and that serves you.
While this inner work will be core to all modules, the foundational tenants of feminine business creation are broken up into the following four fountains for you to drink from:
Finding + Feeling + Following Your Frequency - Learn how to know what’s true and listen to it unequivocally, so that you can be in devotion to your core creational energy and be in service to the what wants to flow through you
Flavoring Your Frequency - Richen and ripen your medicine as you actually practice it in the world and receive Source feedback for refinement of your work
Forming Your Frequency - Explore and birth what this frequency wants to look like in the world as a business - or any form that feels true - without masculine mindset, productivity, or marketing methods (i.e. clean, non-gamey, authentic)
Flowing Your Frequency - Learn how to draw clients to you organically, letting the frequency be the magnet set-point for their attraction (rather than you). Be supported as you live and work as a Divine Embodiment of Source in your full expression
Each month includes:
A ‘Frequency-To-Form’ Feminine Business Call for live coaching with me - this call is the third Friday of the month at noon MTN time and will be recorded
Feminine Business Teaching Videos - New paradigm teachings that will turn your understanding of business upside down and into something that works for your human as well as your channel
‘Frequency-Holder’ Practicum - the feminine framework for birthing your frequency into form
The ‘Frequency-to-Form’ Interactive Community for feedback and fellowship, plus access to my continued, focused attention on your work to bring you back to what’s true, over and over and over
Optional: ‘Form’ Feminine Business Consulting - if you desire more focused support at any point in your unfolding process
‘Roar’ Core Feminine Truth Program - It is essential that you speak the language of the Feminine and that you have already done some pattern work on the games you run before doing this bigger work. For this reason, you must be an active member of Roar to participate in Frequency-Holder. To that end, I offer you complimentary access to ‘Roar’ with your investment in Frequency-Holder. If you are already a member of Roar, your Roar payments will be automatically cancelled once you enroll in Frequency-Holder.
I don’t know what my frequency is. Can I still join?
Yes, that’s a core aspect of this work is learning to find and feel your frequency so that you can follow it into its form.
I know what my frequency is. Can I still join?
Yes, because it’s always a refinement process to get more and more in tune with what’s true, especially as that upgrades with your greater holding ability and expanded nervous system. What’s true, now? And now? Also, we may know the frequency of our medicine but still not know how to ‘get it out there’ in a way that feels clean, authentic, and aligned, and magnetic. This work is the framework for a well-fed feminine business that serves the frequency into form, so you can actually do your true work in the way you feel called.
I don’t know if I want to start a business. Can I still join?
Yes, these principals will bring freedom to any work you do, not just entrepreneurship. You may start the container not being sure, and find that you are sure. Also the reverse may happen. The frequency will tell you what form she wants to take, we don’t need to be attached to that being your own business (or not). This is the work.
I already have a business. Can I still join?
You don’t have a business like this. So, yes.
I’ve already signed up for Create Your Dream Biz. Is this different?
Yes, this is Dream Biz 2.0. Completely feminine fed and led, without any masculine marketing strategies or productivity structures that don’t honor our feminine cycles.
I think I want to be a healer or help others in some capacity, but haven’t been trained in this. Do I need to take another course first?
No. Watch out for the pitfalls of ‘education’ as a seductive distraction mechanism from owning what’s already inside of you. It becomes a do-loop that you will never graduate your way out of. It is, your interest - not your expertise - that makes something yours to share. You master your medicine as you pour it, not before. There’s no certification in YOU. We will open to what your medicine is inside this program and you will actually begin practicing it (and getting paid for it if that is your true desire).
What will I get out of this?
The moment you stop asking that question, you can actually start being of service to your frequency. She asks you to trust Her and know that when you serve Her, she will serve you. You don’t have to be concerned with what that will look like, because she wants you to be well-fed - so then, why would the form matter if you are totally supported by it?
Signing up if you feel called - and only if you feel called - is the first step in learning how to feel to the frequency and follow it, regardless what the ego says about it.
Are there money back guarantees?
No, that is a masculine hooking mechanism that says that you can’t be trusted to know what’s true in your system and indulges the whimsical feminine rather than honoring the mature feminine. I see you as too powerful in your choice for that. Are you willing to trust this or not? If not, it’s best you don’t sign up.
Are there testimonials and social proof?
Yes, I’ve been guiding others in spiritual business creation for years. But I won’t share them with you, because that is another masculine hooking mechanism that uses comparison, fantasy, and/or FOMO to create perceived buyer need because of a lack of trust in the consumer’s own knowing, and - again - I see you as too powerful in your sovereign choice for that.
Are there deadlines to sign up by?
Nope. Another masculine hooking mechanism that uses scarcity tactics. Won’t do it.
Are there deadlines to finish by?
Also, no. It’s not for me to decide when your form is complete, or how long She requests the support of this container. Business is a constant cycle of pruning, death, birth, and growth. It continues to reach new levels of opening and expansion, and often needs to time to go inward to resource and fill up with lifeforce, so the spark can be newly fed with oxygen. ‘Finishing by a certain deadline’ is a time scarcity tactic that encourages masculine rushing, forcing, performance, and extraction of the feminine birth process.
I do offer a 12-month minimum because the feminine needs the permission of space and non-attachment to feel comfortable to let go and open to what truly wants to be.
What if I told you that you had to have an orgasm in a minute? You would clam up, shut down, grip, pull, and collapse. And even if you were successful, it wouldn’t be all that pleasurable or satisfying. It would be work. This is an example of masculine performative business.
But if I told you that there was no rush, you could stretch out, relax, receive, take up all the space and time you need to be present and in tune with the sensation, you would feel a release of external pressure that would allow your climax to build from within in its perfect timing. You would be free from attachment and able to be with what is and really feel what’s so. Opening, instead of gripping. Both the climax and its unfolding would be exquisite. This is true feminine business.
What if I can’t afford it right now?
If this is true for you, I bet you can.
Why is this so affordable?
Because it is what’s true right now. I listen to what She wants to be, and trust it. This may change in a year. Keep in mind that this is a new paradigm framework - it really challenges what you thought to be true about business, and I am honing the craft of my teaching around this work. This price point allows me to fine-tune my channel for this frequency with you as a willing participant of that practice.
But how can I sign up if I don’t have proof this works?
This work is innovating and changing the face of business, and it’s here to attract those who are ready to try something different because they can just feel in their bones the masculine ways of business don’t feel true (or have been shutting them down from even getting started. You don’t actually need all the sales structures, social media savvy, or tech skills you think you do).
And this is really all that matters, because anything else requires self-abandonment. Also, if you are feeling called to sign up, that is proof this works. My business lives inside this feminine framework.
What if I don’t have time for this?
That’s your masculine mind trying to intervene in a feminine process. If this is true for you, you will have all the time you need, because you’ll be honoring your cycles to feel into what you are available for, while peeling away anything that isn’t yours to do.
It will go slower than you think, which is why this container wanted to be a year-long. Sometimes the practice will be waiting for the opening. This is feminine business, and it will support you. Can you be ok with that level of deep unfolding? Can you trust it?
This is devotion to the feminine. When you serve Her, She will serve you.
Will you give me a discovery call to convince me I need this so that I don’t have to be in full ownership of my choice?
Notice what ego patterns are coming up for you as you want to sign up. And then feel what’s true beneath the noise.
Is your mind telling you that you can’t have this, that you aren’t ready for it, that you’ll just fuck this up too? Needing to understand ‘the logistics’ and ‘how this works’?
Can you see and acknowledge all of that as survival-based thinking, thank it, and then receive this as yours anyway simply because it’s your desire? And trust that?
Fear (when not faced with physical-level survival threats) is usually a sign of expansion.
Whether you join or not, the work has already begun as you feel what is true for you inside of your choice around this program.
That said, if you still have questions you can contact me. I won’t convince you, but I can help you see the pattern at play.
$222 per month. Includes free access to Roar.