
Shamanic Energy HEALING + Clearing Session

  • Lift the veil to your blind spots.

  • Shed the light of awareness on stuck or blocked hidden energies.

  • Disappear them.

  • Uncover the illumination of your divine aspect.

  • And feel what’s TRUE.

In this session, we wash away the layers of karmic patterns keeping you bound, so that you can feel the crystal clear clang of knowing that will inform your next inspired steps.

Healing in this context is a return to Wholeness. A release of anything that has obscured your knowing of yourself as whole, perfect, and complete.

The field of any session is to programmed to reconnect you to your divinity, as we remove anything that is keeping you separate from Who You Really Are and the path that is in alignment with All That.

The logistics.

  • Sessions are $222. Payment is required at time of booking.

  • All sessions are remote via phone.

  • I will call you at the time of the appointment. If you are outside of the US please provide your WhatsApp number when booking. For reference, please note that I am in the US in Mountain time zone.

  • Once your session is confirmed, I will send you a link to my New Client Form that must be returned to me prior to our work together (it will take you about 15 minutes to complete). It will include all the necessary details of our session.

  • If you don’t know quite where to begin in working with me, but you feel it is true for us to work together, this is a good place to start.

  • Still have questions? Contact me.


10% of net proceeds from my shamanic healing work is donated to the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange, a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection, preservation, and empowerment of Shamanic-based indigenous tribes.