
Discover your unique healing medicine for the world

and rise as the healer you were born to be.


Unveil Your Inner Shaman ONLINE: 6 weeks to unleash the healer within.

You have an inner sense that you were meant to be a healer.

Maybe you even have an inkling that have been one before.

As in, another time and place. This earth life ain’t your first rodeo.

Truth be told, the idea of healing others lights you up inside.

In fact, at some level, you know you were born for it.

And not only are you open to the idea of working with energy, intuition, and divine wisdom to heal, you are actually chomping at the bit for it.

Like you suspect that you already have it in you; it just needs to be fully awakened.

And you’ve been searching for the thing, the path, the spark that’s going to activate it.

What does all this say about you?

You, my friend, were born to be a healer.

And I am here to help you unveil the healer within.

How do I know? Because I’ve been there.

I was an executive in Corporate America when I got that familiar tug on my heart.

The irrational one that whispered to me that I was meant to help others, serve the world, and make a meaningful impact.

I wanted to uplift and empower people, to help them know their inner greatness.

I felt intuitively I was meant to heal humanity in some way.

Just like you.

It started me on a life-long quest to find answers.

I became a chronic seeker.

I just needed someone to show me the way.

And I would get really frustrated that I couldn’t find that path when I was so damn ready for it.

Where I am today.

I now live the life I always dreamed about: healing, teaching, coaching, writing, and speaking.

Helping others.

And making a living doing what I love.

I have time-freedom, location-freedom, financial-freedom, and creative-freedom.

But most importantly, I’m fulfilling on my SoulPurpose by helping you fulfill on yours as I help you awaken the healer within.

Bottom line.

I know there are others out there like me.

Who’ve felt the same inner stirrings.

I’ve been asked to put a program like this together for them.

And I am answering that call.

Because I know that as each of us finds the healer within, we heal the world.

Our light activates the light in others.

Triggering a rise in consciousness.

A tipping point, that spurs human-kind to remember who we really are as spiritual beings.

An ascension toward the one true force of the universe: Love.

Resulting in a new earth.

Why now.

We are at a critical time in the earth’s evolution when dormant healers are being called to action.

If you are still reading this page, you are one of us.

We each carry our own unique medicine, which will perfectly heal our corner of the hurting world.

There’s an abundance of sentient beings to be helped.

And you already have a sacred healer-healed contract with many of them that you brought with you into this lifetime.

They are waiting for you to answer your call.

What happens if you don’t.

Plot twist: it’s actually no big deal if you don’t.

Because if you don’t do this now, you will just wake up to your power in another lifetime (there is an inner impulse that moves each of us to evolve, and eventually - no matter what - we will all end up united back with the Source from which we came).

But what’s the alternative? To stay stuck, uninspired, and unfulfilled?

Why put off your inevitable expansion?

Time is an illusion, so why let it tell you to wait?

The ego will try to take you down and give you a million reasons why you shouldn’t head this call.

Fear, doubt, rationalization, lack.

All the bullshit conditioning that’s just. not. true.

But this is your sacred Hero’s Journey.

The SoulPurpose work you were really put here to do, despite the things that tell you you can’t.

(In fact, because of them).

And I am here to remind you:

If you’ve been inspired with it, you’ve been given the means with which to create it.

And that which you desire is exactly what you are meant to have.

It’s cosmic poetry.

The thing that interests you - that lights you up inside - is your greatest service to the world.

And Spirit is patiently waiting to shower you with the abundance, joy, and freedom that is already yours per the Universal Law of Reciprocity.

Who are you not to actualize the powerful healer you know yourself to be within?

To deprive the world of your healing medicine?

There is no meaning to life other than the one you give it.

So it’s time to create what you are inspired to create.

Simply for the sake of experiencing the same joy of creation as Source Itself.

If you’ve read this far, consider yourself called.

The Program.

I’ve created a program that allows you to become the healer you were born to be.

You’ll get me as your personal coach guiding you every step of the way.

It puts together everything I’ve learned as a healer into a single 6-Week Master Mentorship that will change your world and the world around you.

It’s called Unveil Your Inner Shaman: 6 Weeks to Unleashing the Healer Within.

It provides you with the mindset, skillset, and toolset to realize your calling as an energy workin’ raiser-of-consciousness.

Where as the Medicine Wheel Manifestation program teaches you how to heal yourself and your life, this program teaches you how to heal the other.


This is a 6-week program for those who want to learn how to access their inner healer to heal the world.

This is a community of light-workers who are waking up to their healing power. It is a priest(ess)-hood of souls all at a similar place in their spiritual evolution, creating the grace and space for each other to step firmly and vulnerably into our healing and energetic gifts.

This course includes pre-recorded facilitated experiential healing calls where you have the opportunity to practice and hone your healing skills after a brief teaching, check-in, and Q&A at the beginning of the call to address any points that have come up from the video modules.

The calls include group healings for others, the earth, the land, house healings, and important projects together. Please note these calls have been pre-recorded because energy works beyond time and space.

There is also an online portal that gives you personal access to all on-demand video lessons, teachings, healings, and at-home practices for each module to solidify your inner healer + integrate the teachings for experiential learning.

Each module is one week.

  • Module 1 - Accessing Your Inner Shaman, What is True Healing, Shamanism as A Context for Leveraging the Power of the Energetic Realm; Relevant Terms, How to Use ‘The Medicine Wheel’ as a Tool for Healing Others, Calling In Allies + Elementals, Shamanic Morning + Evening Practice for Clearing and Protection as a Healer

  • Module 2 - Making + Procuring Shamanic Tools; Assembling Your Own Arsenal of Healing Tools and Learning How to Potentize and Activate Them; Designing Your Healing Space + Tool Kit

  • Module 3 - Energy Work + Intuitive Coaching, Intuition vs Imagination, Calling In Clarity, Working as Your Higher Self. Tools, Guides, and Allies to Help; Using your Hands and Intention for Healing; Calling in Your Specific Healer/Healed Agreements

  • Module 4 - Creative Processes for Unleashing your Inner Healer, Getting in Touch with Your Unique Medicine and Message, What Your Specialty Is, Creating Your Medicine Bag, Healing Each Other, Observing + Participating in My Healing Sessions with Clients

  • Module 5 - Setting The Healing Space, Invocations, Energetic Protection of The Space; Learn How to Create the Energetic and Physical Space for a Healing Session and The Vital Invocations and Protection Needed for A Successful Healing; How to Work with Your Tools to Heal; Other Elements + Logistics of a Session, Remote Healing

  • Module 6 - Actual Guided Practice with Family, Friends, and Practice Clients; Abundance Mindset for a Joyful, Successful, Thriving, Authentic Healing Practice or Business; Staying Resourced So You Don’t Burn Out and Keep Your Cup Full of Vim, Vigor, and Passion!

Each module builds on the next.


  • Remote energy work from me as I hold you in the healing container of the program to help you clear blockages, draw in light, receive blessings, and effortlessly unveil the healer within

  • Private Facebook Community of fellow healers + light-workers also stepping into their gifts to share with, learn from, and be supported by


$97 per month for two months.

Only your first payment is due today.

You’ll be given your special access to the dedicated ‘Unveil Your Inner Shaman’ online portal and pre-launch materials as soon as you register, so you can dive right in.

Risk-Free Guarantee.

You may leave the program at any point if you determine it’s not a fit for you with no future payments required by submitting your email termination to in advance of your next payment.

What others are saying since completing this program.

“I was afraid to find my power and step into it. I didn't think I could really be a healer. I am now doing healings, and I have people pay me to help them heal. Plus the daily energy clearing protocols we learned help me to not take on my client's (or anyone's) stuff. This course totally lit me back up. I finally have an out from the deadening job I've outgrown.” -Bre W., Denver, CO"

“I have a tendency of buying a program and not finishing it, but this was so well organized with the modules, and soul work, and check ins, and accountability, it was impossible to get behind. This program has changed my life. Watching others rise and learn how to heal the world around them rippled out to me and helped me rise in my own process as both the healer and the healed.” -Virginia D, Jupiter, FL

“I started this course feeling burnt out on life and work, not tapped into the universe; missing my connecting to sisterhood, my highest self, and to Spirit. I had been flowing in and out of contact with healing modalities for the last 6 years with no progress. Now I have an amazing and supportive community, an outline to how I want to build my dream business/life, and the structure of how to make that happen. I learned how to offer healings and medicine (cacao). I was able to practice and get feedback in an amazing and safe space. After taking this course I have a tangible approach to how to be a healer.  I also was able to develop my clairvoyance and recognize when Spirit is sending me symbols and directions.” -Isabel R., Denver, CO

It’s been three months since I completed this course and I am still beaming and forever changed because of it. I went into it with so much hesitation and thoughts that this is not for me and feeling really nervous. This is the most profound experience I've had maybe ever in my lifetime...I have been turned inside out in the most beautiful way. My favorite thing was the community that it created. They have become forever friends for stepping into greatness. Even if you got a fraction of the growth I received, you are still going to be leaps and bounds ahead of where you started when entering it. Thank you, Steffie, for my new path! I am forever grateful. -Tanette S., Highlands Ranch, CO

“I am not the same person who signed up for this course. It has been a true and ongoing transformation. It's pure magic and it was so much fun to dive into with other like-minded souls. I really benefited from the flow and progression of the materials and how much we were allowed to expand and try new things, as intimidating as it was sometimes, we were always supported within the beautiful container that Steffie created.” -Jorie H., Chicago, IL

How will you feel?

How will you feel when you are confidently doing the higher work that you were put here to do?

When you are co-creating your dream reality with the universe, excited to wake up each day, full of magic, miracles, flow, and synchronicity?

When you are helping others in a deeply satisfying and meaningful way, AND multiplying abundance?

When you can rest at night knowing that THIS is the lifetime you stepped into your power, without any regrets or remorse later about what could have been?

This is the what’s possible for you. I know, because I live it. And we’ll unveil the powerful healer residing within you, and your special blend of healing medicine that the world has been waiting for, together.



The Bio.

As a Shamanic Healer, Dr. Steffie Funk works with stressed-out seekers, uninspired urbanites, and burnt-out professionals who have an inner sense they were meant for something greater. She helps them unveil the light-worker within and gives them the sacred tools they need to create the extraordinary lives of joy, freedom, meaning, and abundance they just know they were born to lead.

Steffie walks between the earthly and the energetic realms and helps her clients do the same, allowing them to ditch effort for ease and force for flow, as they remember Who They Really Are.

With a history as a corporate executive alongside a Doctorate in Natural Health and a Bachelor in Psychology, Steffie has been refining spiritual strategies for over 20 years (and, in fact, lifetimes). Her experience includes Advanced Shamanic Practitioner training through the Power Path School of Shamanism, as well as direct experience studying and working with the Huichol Shamans of Mexico and the Shipibo Shamans of Peru.

She is the creator of The Medicine Wheel Manifestation Program™, Unveil Your Inner Shaman™, Create Your Dream Business™, and the SoulPurpose Activation System™.

She has been featured on Beyond the Ordinary, Your Divine Uniqueness, and VoyageLA.


Giving back.

10% of all net proceeds from this website are donated to the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange, a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection, preservation, and empowerment of Shamanic-based indigenous tribes.