
I am a living example of a heart-led life. I listen to my body above all. She is the direct transmission of my Yes’s and my No’s. I will not abandon her, forsake her, deny her, or betray Her. Not for anything. Or anyone.


I am here to ignite the same in you. I exist in service to your core creational energy, here to help those parts of you who have been told to sit down to stand up, so you can break the constricting chains of the inner patriarchy.


I am a stand for the Dark Feminine in all of us. The Wild Woman. The Wise Woman. The Medicine Woman. The Witch. She is not evil (though She has long been demonized). She is the Grand Space-holder for our humanity. The ability to be with All Of It. She is where you go when the walls melt and your grip loosens and you let yourself ride and slide The Down. Sit with your edges. Breathe life-force into them. And eat them like spiritual manna for breakfast.


She is the unbridled chaos of creation and destruction. She is the raw power that comes from comfort with loss, knowing that what is True will will always remain. She doesn’t give pleasure. She consumes it.

And then, She is the roar that rumbles up from your bowels and expresses fiery hot, as you become a frequency-holder of Truth for the awakening world

The Invitation.

‘Roar’ is the invitation when your desire - above all - is to be free. Free of external sway. Free of cords. Free of attachments. Free of codependency. Free of the influence of resentment, guilt, shame, overwhelm, confusion, or resentment. Free to be who you are.

It is the ancient, crooked witch’s finger beckoning you down the labyrinthine mystery path of your unknown inner landscape, which holds the secret keys to that freedom.

With me as your guide, you cross the threshold onto the slippery, sliding downslope of the dank, rich, fertile, and wild Feminine.

Here, the tenderly applied pressure of life herself brings you what you need in each moment to integrate, transmute, and alchemize your karmic wounds, as you open to receive her.

Layer after layer of your disguises are shown to you and then fall off like heavy robes that have been covering the piercing power of your soft and open center.

You land completely in your body, where you can feel what is true for you, and expand from this place so powerfully and completely that it is impossible to betray yourself.

(Like a memory foam mattress taken out of its packaging that just can’t be put back in)

And then - from that clear, immovable knowing - you live the holy roar from your womb that expresses crystal clear as Your Medicine. Vibrating out from your core, calling to it all that is in resonance with it. And a natural protection to that which is not.

Unadulterated. Easy. Solid. Unavailable for bullshit. Especially your own. No contortion required. Non-compliant to anything but your own YES.


The Commitment.

$111 per month. Cancel when you feel complete.

In addition to our Monthly Group Alchemy calls and the online Holy Woman Community, there are Twelve Teaching Modules - gateways - inside of Roar and students tend to spend about a month in each module, though there is no time pressure (this work is fully desire-based).