How to Call-In Your Soul Family - Part 1

How to Call-In Your Soul Family - Part 1


I spent my whole life craving a deep sense of belonging.

Before I stepped into my divine purpose work, I would often write things in my journal like:

  • I'm so burned out because I have to do everything myself

  • I just want to feel connected and understood

  • I am bored, stuck, and uninspired. I want to feel excited to collaborate with others on something meaningful

  • I feel weighed down by all the roles I have to play in the world - I just want to be authentic

  • The pretense of small talk makes me feel empty and unfulfilled

  • I'm stressed by the people I work with - I feel like I'm constantly trying to prove myself to them, I'm never enough, and - in truth - I sort of feel like sort of a fraud

  • I just feel so alone - nobody gets me as I am, so I am constantly people-pleasing. I'm EXHAUSTED.

  • Where are my people???

If you can relate, I know one thing for sure:

You, dear one, were born to be a lightworker.

How do I know?

Because lightworkers (and starseeds) come from somewhere else. We incarnated in dimensions other than this one, and are here now to help humanity and consciousness rise (even if we don't know yet exactly HOW to do that, we just have an inner sense that we were meant to).

But an inherent challenge for the lightworker is feeling disconnected from 'home' and a lack of a true belonging and support on earth (which makes it really hard to clarify - let alone birth - our soul purpose).

Until someone reminds us that we DO have a soul family (oh, hey, it me, hi :) and helps us to remember how to call them in to support the birth of our divine purpose into the world.

Our soul family gives us:

  • extraordinary power

  • true balance

  • the magic of connectedness

  • the thrill of being authentic and boundaried

  • the safety of trust

  • unstoppable energy, and

  • enoughness

But most important, we finally feel at-home in the world. Cherished, honored, revered, and precious.

Here's the Truth: If you weren't a light-worker, you wouldn't be reading this.

And I'll tell you one more thing I know for sure, the fact that you are reading this means you are also part of MY soul family.

And I am humbly and gratefully part of yours.

But there are so many more soul loves here for you. And I am going to help you find them.

So, without further ado, watch part 1 of my four-part series "How to Call-In Your Soul Family" to learn the first steps.

Believe me, now that I have the sheer joy of being surrounded by my soul fam every day, I can tell you categorically you do NOT want to pass this training up.

Catch it here.


PS - After you watch the 'Part 1' video, don't miss this free bonus worksheet I made for you that streamlines this whole process!




The 12 Pillars of Soul Support:


Move from powerless to powerful when you learn how to call in the soul support team you were meant to have.

Get the worksheet that will allow you to claim, call in, and receive the support that is uniquely yours, per your soul contracts.

How to Call-In Your Soul Family - Part 2

How to Call-In Your Soul Family - Part 2

My Self-Care Experiment

My Self-Care Experiment