The 8th Universal Law of Divine Purpose

The 8th Universal Law of Divine Purpose


Hey there gorgeous soul,

Let's talk fear.

And for once, instead of making it 'wrong' we are going to make it 'right'. Here's the backstory:

I used to think my divine purpose wouldn't be ripe until I was completely free of fear and 100% confident to move forward.

I thought being 'extraordinary' meant feeling wise and powerful and like I had it all together.

And if I wasn't feeling that way, I must not be ready.

This deluded me into thinking that my divine purpose was still somewhere 'out there.' Something that I had to study for, receive a 'divine download' on, or have some expert tell me I was finally qualified to do.

But once I understood the '8th Universal Law of Divine Purpose,' I got that my fears actually meant I was really close to my purpose and on the right path.

Find out why in this episode of Urban Shamanism, where I share:

  • What the '8th Law of Divine Purpose' is

  • Why it means that your fears are a good thing

  • Why vulnerability (not confidence) is extraordinary

  • Why your divine purpose is always going to feel a little uncomfortable

  • A specific energy practice to work with your fears so they don't take you down

Remember, there are ‘12 Universal Laws of Divine Purpose’ that you can rely on as sure as gravity.

And you want to be familiar with each of them in order to effortlessly birth the extraordinary life you just know you were put here to lead.

So catch this episode now to learn what that 8th law is and work with the flow of the universe, instead of against it.


Stay tuned 'til the end of the vid to get your weekly 'Inner Shaman' practice.

Then, let me know in the comments below the video:

What is one fear that's been holding you back? Name it and claim it, and it will lose its power.

You're my hero...

PS - I created a new specially-priced limited time offer specifically designed to support you during these chaotic times. It's called a micro-healing (and I've made them super cost effective, so you won't have any financial fear). If you need some peace and clarity, book yours here.




Leverage the power of the universe.

The 12 Universal Laws of Divine Purpose

Download your free blueprint that summarizes the 12 Universal Laws of Divine Purpose.

Learn how to work with the natural flow of the universe (not against it), so you can clarify + manifest your Divine Purpose with ease.

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