The 3rd Universal Law of Divine Purpose

The 3rd Universal Law of Divine Purpose


Hey there dear one,

Can I share a little something with you that you may not know?

I am a doctor. Yep, a full-fledged Naturopath. I used to own a very successful practice in the Denver-area.

And I was really good at it too!

Others looked at me and thought that I had it all together. 

But here's the thing: I was just surviving spiritually.

Because while I was fully in my Zone of Competence, I was not in my Zone of Genius.

Zones of Competence are scary things because they feel 'good enough', so they lull us into a false sense of safety and security.

And they make us question who we think we are to want something more, when we’ve already advanced in an area that affords our lifestyle, that others respect, and that maybe even we once enjoyed.

Until we get to a point where 'good enough' is no longer 'good enough'.

If you can relate to any of this, you'll definitely want to watch this episode of Urban Shamanism, where I share with you the Third Universal Law of Divine Purpose, and what this has to do with your 'Zone of Genius' (I'll give you a hint: everything).

You'll learn:

  • What the 3rd Universal Law of Divine Purpose is

  • Why it means that your true life's work will never actually feel like work

  • Why the word 'should' is your biggest enemy when it comes to manifesting your divine purpose, and

  • How to energetically use this law to your advantage by following your 'joy meter', so you can create the extraordinary life you were put here to lead

Remember, there are '12 Universal Laws of Divine Purpose' that you can rely on as sure as gravity to help you birth your purpose into the world.

And you want to be familiar with each one of them if you are going to rise as the light-worker, change-maker, healer, or raiser-of-consciousness you were born to be.

So catch this episode now to learn the 3rd Law of Divine Purpose and work with the natural energy of the universe instead of against it.


Stay tuned 'til the end of the vid to get your weekly 'Inner Shaman' practice.

Then, let me know in the comments below:

What are your strengths, talents, gifts, joys, flow states, desires, experiences, and messes?

The combination of All That is your Zone of Genius. 

To your medicine for the world...

PS - Be sure to download the free 'blueprint' I made for you below that summarizes all Twelve Universal Laws of Divine Purpose!




Leverage the power of the universe.

The 12 Universal Laws of Divine Purpose

Download your free blueprint that summarizes the 12 Universal Laws of Divine Purpose.

Learn how to work with the natural flow of the universe (not against it), so you can clarify + manifest your Divine Purpose with ease.

The 4th Universal Law of Divine Purpose

The 4th Universal Law of Divine Purpose

The 2nd Universal Law of Divine Purpose

The 2nd Universal Law of Divine Purpose