What is Shamanism?

What is Shamanism?

Shamanism is the origin of spirituality on our planet, dating back 100,000+ years. Our ancestors intimately knew themselves and everything in their world as spirit. Shamanism is in our bones, our very DNA.

It incorporates the fundamentals of all Truths across any form of spirituality. It is the union of every path to God/Source. Shamanism isn’t a religion (though all the great religions were born of Shamanism); it’s a way of being in relationship to the world.

Shamanism leverages the power of the energetic realm, and recognizes that spirit is in everything. It understands that there is a primordial source of all that is (God/Spirit) and that that source is continually expressing itself through creation and expansion.  

Because this source is Pure Love, one of the ways it expresses its love is to create itself as new sources of expansion through each and every one of us. Our souls are a spark of this divine light, given the same unlimited power of creation.

We humans are the brave few souls who chose to incarnate on earth at this time. We knew before coming that this was a dense plane of energy and that the primary way we would grow was in agreeing to forget that we are this very source of love. We signed up for a complex illusion, a game whose goal is soul growth through a singular purpose: remembering Who We Really Are.

As in any virtual reality game, the game-play is only as good as its opponents. In this case, our opponent is one thing only: Fear. In all its seductive forms. The fear of separation from our original source manifests as the dragons we battle, lifetime after lifetime: self-sabotage, greed, self-deprecation, stubbornness, martyrdom, impatience, arrogance, and all their flavors.

Shamanism offers us a tool for slaying the dragons, a portal beyond the illusion of the ‘game’ we decided to play, a gateway to remembering. A roadmap to our own personal hero’s journey.

It leverages the power of nature. It sees spirit in everything, every rock, every tree. Each serving as gentle reminders of our essence. Each with its own quality of the divine. Its own specialty. Its medicine. Ours for the spiritual taking.

Shamanism offers us a portal to be plugged into the miracle in each moment, the consciousness of everything. Thusly fueled, we become as powerful as the earth, the moon, the sun, the seasons.  

We all have the ability to tap into our inner shaman. As we do that, the veil between thought and form becomes thinner. And we can joyfully create any reality our heart desires.

Once we recognize the illusion, and leverage the Source from which we came, we are truly free to create as spirit does. Each of us reflecting a different creative light through the prism of our unique gifts, perfectly aligned to serve humanity in our own beautiful way.

Learn how to embody your inner shaman.

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Shamanic Medicine (spirit animals, allies, and elementals)

Shamanic Medicine (spirit animals, allies, and elementals)

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