Shamanic Medicine (spirit animals, allies, and elementals)

Shamanic Medicine (spirit animals, allies, and elementals)

Do you have a spirit animal?

If so, you are already tapped into the power of Shamanic Medicine.

In Shamanism, ‘medicine’ is defined as anything that heals. To heal is to release blockages and dense energy that are getting in the way of us remembering Who We Really Are.

We are, each and every one of us, Spirit Herself.

However, we brave human souls chose to come to this earthly plane to get temporarily lost in the illusion of not being spirit, a game who’s sole goal is that of remembering. But our formidable egos take over and draw us deep into this virtual reality of struggle and separation.

But Spirit didn’t leave us alone to forget. She left us little spirit-filled reminders to help us remember how powerful we are. Fantastic tools that we can employ like a warrior uses her bow and arrow.

This is Shamanic Medicine.

In Shamanism, everything is medicine. Because everything is Spirit.

Most traditionally, because Shamanism is a path of inner power, and power concentrates in nature (what’s more powerful than the sun?), Shamanism teaches us to associate with nature’s power so we can in turn become more powerful and take in its healing medicine.

All of nature is designed to follow the instructions of Spirit and the great intelligence of the universe, completely present and free of ego. A rock, a tree, the stars, the birds, the animals, the ocean, etc. These are called elementals.

When we can harness the power, the medicine, of an elemental, it becomes our ally.

If you’ve ever hugged a tree, or walked barefoot in the earth, or dove into the ocean and really felt alive, then you know what I am talking about. You felt the grounding medicine of the tree, the nurturing medicine of mother earth, and the cleansing medicine of the ocean.

Everything in nature has the power to be an ally.

And they each have their own medicine. Their own specialty. And Great Spirit works through all of them.

The medicine of Hawk, for example, with it’s masculine gift of big vision and divine messages is very different than the medicine of Vulture, which is a very compassionate cleansing feminine medicine.

Plant and animal allies will often communicate with you directly, so that their medicine for you may be something completely different than what you read on google.

Allies will often let you know when they want to work with you. You will see the same animal repeatedly, for example. Or see a really unusual animal sighting. Or they will visit you in your dreams. Or you’ll just have an incredible affinity for them (my husband, for example, is obsessed with elephants and has been since he was a child). Or, they will bite, sting, or claw you (as is the case with my main animal totem, Scorpion).

Or you will be super drawn to the ocean, or have a great peace when you are in the mountains. Or just love trees.

Once you know an ally wants to work with you, the best way to draw on the power of your allies is to cultivate a relationship with them. Put up little reminders or symbols of them around your space or on your alter. Invite them into your morning ritual. Compliment them, thank them, tell them what you want them to do, and then trust they will do it!

Good morning, beautiful hummingbird. It’s me, Steffie. Thank you for being such a great ally and helper. Enter my heart today and sing your note of joy. Help me remember to lighten up and not take everything so seriously. Bring me many blessings that fill me with delight. Thank you so much for doing this. Aho.

You can send off your many allies to do the heavy lifting in your day so that the load on your shoulders is much lighter. You can have them work on your emotions, your chakras, your business meeting, or errands, so they all run well and smooth. You can invite a specific ally into your work for power, your family for connection, and your home for protection.

Allies love to honorably be put to work. And they are a great energetic tool of anyone who wants to be more effective with less effort. They will help you find your flow.

And as you work with them, you will be constantly reminded of yourself as the creative power of spirit in action. With the sweet relief of remembering, you aren’t doing it alone.

Unveil the shaman within.

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