The Paradox of Ascension

The Paradox of Ascension

The paradox is this:

Ascension only happens when you no longer desire to leave.

I invite you to try this frequency on instead:


The state of being ‘kindled’ from within.

The state of looking INWARD to alchemize mass consciousness, as the microcosm you are that holds the whole universe inside you.

Yep, that thing you nobly hate ‘out there’? That thing is inside you. Repressed and denied.

It is you.

Incension recognizes that we alone hold the keys of transmutation by facing our personal shadow through the mirror of what we persecute.

Incension is the state of returning to our divinity through the glory of our humble humanity, not despite it - as the only path to true sacred union.

Of letting the heat of feeling the thing we’ve been avoiding become the alchemical process that turns heavy base metal into shining Gold.

Rather than ‘ascension’, which is the state of moving up up and away from your body.

Rather than trying to fix and rescue what you see ‘out there’.

Rather than focusing only on the light, which by its nature is ‘rejection’ and therefore becomes the very shadow it’s trying to fight.

Both have the same desire: a return to oneness.

But one bypasses our body.

And one reveres it.

One avoids.

And one transmutes.

One prays to the God without.

And one bows to the God within.

5D reality is actually no different than 3D reality. They ‘look’ the same. It’s just a difference of perspective.

Yet everyone is so keen to ascend right off the face of this planet.

But if that’s what you are focused on, then why did you come here?

If not to explore, and unite, duality by learning to approve of all that is human.

Starting with that within YOU.

This is how you awaken mass consciousness.

By not reaching for God ‘up there’ but rather ‘in here’.

When you fully embrace your Human Self as your Divine Self, you will remember who you really are, the son and daughter of SOURCE.

You are God and Goddess herself.

You will remember why you are here on earth.

And your very beingness will assist others in remembering this too.

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You Are Not Meant To Be Anonymous In This Lifetime

The @ss hole portal.

The @ss hole portal.