The @ss hole portal.

The @ss hole portal.

The full exalted expression of The Priestess comes through a ‘portal’ no one likes to talk about on IG. Cus it’s not glamorous.

You know what is the shadow of the p u s s y?

But what is vital to have open if you want to have an open sacral chakra (the source of true power), or an open crown chakra to get all those juicy codes and downloads?

Or to be able to actually DO anything with any of them in our human realm.

Where you actually ANCHOR into Mother Earth?

The ass hole.


She gets no attention, but it is essential to revere her too.

She is a map for how much control you are gripping life with.

How TIGHT you are holding on.

And how much you are unwilling to embrace all of life.

This is the connection to tend first.

THIS is the root chakra that nobody wants to talk about.

How good are you at letting sh*t go?

If you don’t have a good relationship with this part of your body, you can’t shadow dance.

And if you deny your shadow,

You can’t feel safe.

Because you will always be running from something inside you you don’t want to see or feel.

You can’t feel connected to every single part of you.

You can’t release control and really surrender.

You can’t hold GRACE for the entire human experience.

And if you can’t do these things, all the spiritual wisdom in the world isn’t going to land.

And you will fly off into the ethers never actually fully embracing the body. And what it is to be human.

Which means you completely bypassed the whole point of our little experiment.

Before you meditate or chant or channel, ground.

Right through the a n u s.

Soft. Open. Erotic. Charged with kundalini.

What does she need to feel supple?

Can you have as much reverence for the sh*t and the stench and the shadow as for the shine?

More so, can you find the shine in the sh*t, stench, and shadow?

More so, can you find that it is already as shiny as your queenly crown?

And has always been?

If you can’t, you need to reorient your perspective.


Root to rise.

This is the only way up.

Full embodiment demands it.

The Paradox of Ascension

The Paradox of Ascension

The Priestess Is Never Victimized

The Priestess Is Never Victimized