Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist

Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist


My name is Stefanie, and I am a recovering perfectionist.

Here's my confession:

I have believed since childhood that I am wrong with a capital 'W'.

So I've attempted to hide my inadequacy with a punishing form of performance against impossibly high standards.

Of course, I've never met my self-imposed ideals, so this has resulted in severe mental ass-kicking every time I don't get it 'right'.

And above all, it has kept me playing small and trapped by fear, even though my 'achievements' may have seemed impressive.

Because I haven't been achieving to fulfill my heart, but rather in a thinly-veiled attempt to distract myself (and others) from my perceived unworthiness.

Which has kept me stuck in a gerbil wheel of 'doing', since no achievement has ever been good enough to satisfy my all-consuming self-deprecation dragons.

Between you and I, it's a terrible 'dis-ease', characterized by the following symptoms:

  • being relentlessly hard on myself + beating myself up

  • shame + self-doubt

  • overthinking + analysis paralysis

  • no achievement ever being 'good enough'

  • an inability to take credit for and celebrate my success

  • a delusional ability to blame myself for failure

  • a debilitating fear of that failure

But I've learned how not to let my perfectionism keep me small and stuck anymore.

And I want to share the components of my recovery with you (you know, in case you can relate to any of the above).

So watch this video to find out:

  1. Where perfectionism stems from

  2. Why its just another form of procrastination

  3. What it has to do with ‘imposter syndrome’

  4. How it’s preventing you from awakening your divine purpose

  5. 5 sure-fire strategies for beating perfectionism, so you can unveil your authentic, true self and be free to unleash the creative genius within


Stay tuned 'til the end of the vid to get your weekly 'Inner Shaman' practice.

Then, let me know in the comments below the video:

Where has perfectionism kept you playing small? Which of these 5 strategies is your fave for freeing you to powerfully step into your divine purpose?

To Your True Self,

PS - Yes, my inner perfectionist SO had me wanting to re-do this video, but I pledge to always give you my first take as an offering to the 'progress not perfection' gods . :)



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