The Most Important Spiritual Lesson I've Ever Learned

The Most Important Spiritual Lesson I've Ever Learned


Did I ever tell you that I lived in Barcelona for a year?

Oh...and that it sucked???

It did. I hated it.

It was everything I thought I ever wanted, and - this is soul-crushing - it disappointed me horribly.

But here's the thing: it turns out that disappointment was a HUGE life blessing.

It bestowed me with a sacred gift from my fairy godmother:

The single most important spiritual lesson I've ever learned.

And I want to share it with you this week.

Because once you hear my story and learn this lesson that I had to learn the hard way (let me save you the grief!), you will be truly free to create what you want to create.

Watch this episode of Urban Shamanism to find out what the #1 spiritual lesson is, and how it has resulted in me now living my Divine Purpose.

So that you can live yours.


Stay tuned 'til the end of the vid to get your weekly 'Inner Shaman' practice.

Then, let me know in the comments below the video:

Where in your life can you apply this lesson? What do you notice? How does this free you in the present moment?

To magic wands and fairy godmothers....



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