The 7 Fear Dragons of The Ego

The 7 Fear Dragons of The Ego


I am feeling into the energy of what my community is needing right now, and it's this:

Tools to recognize, and slay, the 7 fear dragons of the ego.

Why? Because without this awareness, you will forever be stuck in the stands of life - wishing, praying, hoping, dreaming - instead of actually on the court and in the game of life.

And while I want you to experience the same sheer joy of playing 'all out' as I have, I have an ulterior motive:

The world NEEDS you in your zone of genius right now. We need you playing big.

(not sure if you've noticed but shit's kinda f-ed up right now)

We have an ascension happening and we are "calling all light-workers", know what I'm sayin'?

When you have awareness of the fear dragons, you are free to follow your own sovereign divinity to your next inspired action and the unveiling of your authentic self and the natural extension of that: your divine purpose.

Which ALWAYS serves the world and contributes to the awakening (yours included).

So I'm going to spend the next 7 weeks deep-diving into each of the 7 dragons so they don't stand a chance of keeping you small, stuck, and out of the game we so desperately need you IN right now.

Without further ado, watch this week's intro 'dragons' episode to find out:

  • What the 7 fear dragons are

  • Why now is more important than ever to 'slay' them

  • How do know when a fear dragon is at play (and why they are so hard to spot)

  • Where they come from

  • Why they mean you are on the right track

  • And a weekly 'Inner Shaman' practice that will help you begin to have awareness of them (which is always the first step in transcending them)

After you watch, let me know below: Which fear dragon has you by the balls? How is it keeping you from living your authentic truth?

PS - Not to fear! If you are ready to conquer those dragons in the clarifying + awakening of your divine purpose, sign up for my 8-week live ‘Medicine Wheel Manifestation Program.’ You have a few days left to register at a ridiculous price point. Because I stand for you.




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The Self-Sabotage Dragon

The Self-Sabotage Dragon

I was wrong.

I was wrong.