How to Be Extraordinary

How to Be Extraordinary


Hey babes,

Coming to you raw and unfiltered this week with an unedited video on how to be extraordinary.

But first, here’s some vulnerability.

I used to play this game where I would ‘be vulnerable’ as a way of keeping myself small.

I would share all my inadequacies.

They would be like, “Gosh, Stefanie, you're so authentic.”

But it was bullshit.

I used it as a ploy to not appear threatening.

I was afraid if I was too big, too extraordinary, they would reject me.

I would keep them talking about themselves to keep the attention off of me. Always in fear of offending.

I was afraid of taking up SPACE.

And if I 'overstepped,' I would shame spiral instantaneously.

It was all a coping strategy to cover up my deep core wound of 'Wrong' with a capital 'W'.

And here is something else I've discovered.

When I play big I feel real vulnerable.

It’s like those cartoon characters who run off a cliff before they realize there’s no ground underneath them anymore.

That “oh shit” feeling.

I used to make that feeling wrong. I would be frantic to delete the post, minimize it, apologize for it. 

Now it's the exact feeling I go for. 

How vulnerable can I get? How extraordinary?

That’s the gold.

Thats the heart-thumping feeling that happens when I stretch beyond the edges of my comfort zones.

If this resonates for you, watch this week's episode to find out:

  • why being ‘perfect’ and ‘the expert’ is not extraordinary

  • why being authentic fills you with avalanches of true energy, motivation, stamina, and vitality

  • why true vulnerability is insanely attractive to others (even tho it's not the point)

  • why there’s always another layer of pretense

  • how to release attachment to outcomes, freeing you for 'extraordinary'

  • why taking up space is not selfish

  • an energy practice that will make 'extraordinary' actionable

Yes, it's BIG.


Stay tuned til the end of the video for your weekly 'Inner Shaman' practice. Then let me know in the comments below the video:

What’s something you’ve been pretending?

Go for the gold...


PS - It took everything I had in me NOT to re-record this video. But grasshopper spirit says: take the leap.




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