What to do when "you don't feel like it"...

What to do when "you don't feel like it"...


Droppin' some real deal behind-the-scenes footage for ya here:

Every week since August I’ve been putting out a fresh episode of Urban Shamanism to give you the sacred energy tools for an extraordinary life in the concrete jungle.

I’ve shown up because it’s what I’ve been inspired to do. To create simply for the sake of creating.

I’ve loved it. Been lit UP by it. Poured my heart and soul into it.

Then last week something interesting happened.

I didn’t feel like it.

But here’s what’s bananas...⁣⁣⁣⁣

So I didn't do it.

It was pure freedom trusting that when my heart registered a “no”, I could follow that NO for the highest and best of all.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

If I had forced myself to put an episode out when I wasn’t inspired to, the energy would have been flat. Forced.

I would have been out of integrity with myself AND you.⁣⁣⁣

I trusted my guides when they said, “Hey, baby girl, you need a minute to be internal. To fill up your cup. To rest.”⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

I felt raw last week. I tended to old, karmic wounds (oh, hello, Venus retro).

The exposure would have been too much for my tender guts.

So I honored that and went within.

My process was like manna for my muses, who have asked me to share this with you:

The next time you are making a choice, know that you do us all a solid by ensuring it’s a ‘10’ on your joy meter.

Because when you’re in your truth, you free us up to be in ours.

Here’s how to know:

Does it feel like a ‘should’, a ‘must’, a ‘have to’, deadening or constricting?

That’s a ‘0’.

Does it feel like a ‘f*ck yes’, a little out of your comfort zone, enlivening and expansive?

That’s a ‘10’.

Life works better when you go for the 10’s.⁣⁣⁣

Your heart is the voice of your intuition.

And when you listen to it, joy, abundance, and freedom automagically follow.

Permission hereby granted⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣.⁣⁣⁣..





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How to Be Extraordinary