The Impatience Dragon

The Impatience Dragon


I have an ugly side.

It makes me irritable, frustrated, and snappy.

It has given me excruciating FOMO that has caused me to jump ship from people I care about, breaking one too many hearts along the way.

It is not something I'm proud of, but it is a part of me that I have learned to accept and work with (to the great relief of my loved ones).

I now present you with the sneaky culprit:

It is the 6th fear dragon in our series...and my number #1 fear dragon.

The dreaded Impatience Dragon.

And she is a real asshole.

Watch this episode of Urban Shamanism to find out:

  • All the hidden ways this dragon shows up in our lives and takes us out of the game

  • The secret fear beneath this dragon that defines our relationship with one of the most important energies in the universe: Time

  • Plus, seven (yes, seven!) Inner Shaman practices to slay this bad boy so you can relax, have ease, be present, and enjoy life...while still getting everything done on your to-do list!

After you watch, let me know in the comments below - how does this dragon show up in your life and which of the 7 methods for slaying it resonated with you the most?

To the fear dragons waking us up to our greatness (even when they are @ssholes)...


PS - Remember to download my free e-book: How to Slay the Fear Dragons!! It outlines all seven fear dragons as well as specific tools for slaying them.




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