The Martyrdom Dragon

The Martyrdom Dragon


"Why me? This isn't fair. Nobody helps me. Why does this always happen to me?"

Recognize that self talk?

I do, too.

It comes to us courtesy of the next fear dragon in our series: The Martyrdom Dragon.

This seductive dragon (also known as the 'victimhood dragon') will rob us of our power time and time again.

Believe me - I know it all. too. well.

Watch this week's episode of Urban Shamanism to learn:

  • where this dragon shows up in your life

  • how sneaky this dragon is (you'll even see me accidentally fall prey to it mid-video!)

  • how to identify when it has you in its claws

  • how to slay it with some simple 'higher self' reframing, and

  • an Inner Shaman process for taking your power back for good

After you watch the video, let me know in the comments below:

How does this 'drago' show up in your life and which of these processes feels most helpful for mastering it?

To Your Unlimited Power,

PS - If you are ready to step into your power as the healer you've always suspected you might be, sign up for my 'Unveil Your Inner Shaman' course before this Tuesday to get 75% off plus everything you need to unleash the healer within.

PPS - Remember to download my free e-book: How to Slay the Fear Dragons!! It outlines all seven fear dragons as well as specific tools for slaying them.




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