Why karma is NOT a bitch.

Why karma is NOT a bitch.


Yesterday someone really pissed me off.

And I liked it.

You know why? I ate it for spiritual breakfast, like Wheaties for my soul. I took in its nutrients, its manna, its medicine.

In Shamanism, medicine is anything that helps us. And everything is medicine. So everything helps us.

How could being angry possibly help me?

Because I used the triggering situation to heal the core trauma in my energy body that was attracting the situation to me in the first place.

And it freed me. And THEM. For good.

The key to this emotional freedom is inside my 10-step Karmic Integration Process.

By the time I got done with this process, I was literally THANKING the person that pissed me off (yes, it's that powerful).

Look, tomorrow is the solar eclipse.

This is no better time than right now to heal age-old karmas that have been keeping you stuck in shit spirals.

But the first step is knowing that the karmic wounding that's coming up for you right now is NOT the enemy. Rather, it was designed BY YOU for your ascension.

Neat, right? It's cosmic freaking poetry.

The truth is, if we are triggered by something (or someone) - or if something 'bad' happens to us - it has nothing to do with what or who we think it does.

Not ONE thing.

It actually is there to help and heal us. Once and for all.

And you know what happens once we heal our karmic traumas? The energetic wound that is attracting these circumstances to us disappears.

The side benefit? You stop calling those triggering situations to you. And life gets really fun.

Watch today's episode of Urban Shamanism to learn the 10-Steps to my Karmic Integration Process, so you can quickly come back to center and free yourself from triggering situations for GOOD.

You'll also learn:

  • What karma really is (and why it is NOT the enemy)

  • Why we choose it (hint: it's cus your a bad ass spiritual being)

  • How to use karma to our advantage to grow spiritually, and have way more fun while here on earth

  • And why this frees us from negative patterns forever (forever ever)


Happy healing! Enjoy The Process.



PS - After you get done watching the video, be sure to download your free cheatsheet ‘The 10-Step Karmic Integration Process’ and keep it in a handy place so you always have a reference guide for coming back to center when you feel triggered!

I downloaded it from my divine guidance team, so you could download it here. :)




The Karmic Integration Process



And heal your karmic wounding once and for all.

Signs Your Meant to Be a Healer

Signs Your Meant to Be a Healer

Working with Themes of Karmic Abundance

Working with Themes of Karmic Abundance