Working with Themes of Karmic Abundance

Working with Themes of Karmic Abundance


The other night I was watching my favorite bad reality TV show on Netflix.

...And I started feeling nauseous.

Sure enough, before I knew it I was running to the bathroom heaving my insides out.

As I was writhing in my bed all night in prolonged viral agony, it occurred to me:

==> It's full moon lunar eclipse week. Oh shit (ha literals), what am I letting go of???

(Has anything happened to you this week along the lines of an illness, a fall, a break, or a smack in the face? This full moon is showing up like that, but not to worry - it's 100% for us! Literally, breaking old energy patterns)

So, once I started feeling better, I started feeling more into this week's full moon lunar eclipse energy:

Turns out, it's all about completing karmic themes in life that have been a source of grief, loss, or disappointment

But the key here is - especially those themes that have been having us feel self-pity, martyrdom, or victimhood; the ones where we have unconsciously been letting our stories define us and our decisions.

It was revealed to me that I had a subtle abundance block, and that the reason I was puking and pooping is because I was: financially constipated.

(the universe has a cosmic sense of humor about creating flow, no?)

So with that, dear one, I invite you to watch this week's episode of Urban Shamanism to help you identify:

  • Where your own karmic block is (and how it's keeping you stuck)

  • Your false beliefs related to that block

  • The antidote actions you can take to resolve that block in the potent portal of this week's full moon eclipse energy, annnnnd

  • What my favorite reality tv show is on Netflix (because, priorities people)

Stay tuned til the end for this week's Inner Shaman practice. Then after you watch the video, let me know:

  1. how have you been lovingly clobbered by the full moon this week?

  2. what's your main karmic theme?

  3. what are your associated beliefs?

  4. what are your 'action' antidotes?

  5. what's your favorite reality tv show?

To Leaning In and Letting Go,




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