How to Call-In Your Soul Family - Part 4

How to Call-In Your Soul Family - Part 4


Welcome back to this very special edition of Urban Shamanism and the final episode in my free four-part series: How to Call-In Your Soul Family.

Last week, I gave you energy rituals to call in your soul tribe (if you missed those you can grab them here!)

Today, I am gifting you a free Shamanic Healing to clear away anything that’s standing in the way of you and YOU.

Because your soul already called ME in. And I am so honored to be here to support you as the light-worker I know you to be.

This particular healing is in the form of a Shamanic Drum journey. You will want to be in a quiet and interrupted place where you can close your eyes to get the full energetic benefits of this potent clearing and charging session!

So watch this week's episode now to release and manifest anything you want (to call in your soul family to help you clarify and birth your divine purpose, for example :)



PS - After you watch the video, be sure to grab your spot in my brand-new masterclass: My Secret (and Sacred) 4-Step Treasure Map to Discovering Your Soul Purpose




My Secret (and Sacred) 4-Step Treasure Map to Discovering Your Soul Purpose


  • About An Ancient Roadmap That Effortlessly Awakens Your True Life Path

  • The Four Simple Steps This Secret Map Guides You Through to Your True North

  • Why You Have Been Feeling Stuck In Knowing Your Divine Purpose

  • And Why You Don't Want to Create Anything in Your Life Without Knowledge of This Tool

Working with Themes of Karmic Abundance

Working with Themes of Karmic Abundance

How to Call-In Your Soul Family - Part 3

How to Call-In Your Soul Family - Part 3