The Medicine Wheel - The North

The Medicine Wheel - The North


Hey there bright light,

Is there something in your life that's feeling like a struggle?

I've so been there (believe me, I used to cry coming home from work every day).

And, I've also discovered how to turn struggle into effortlessness.

I do it by working with the energetic realm.

And today I am teaching you how to do the same.

Watch today's video - the final installment of our four-part video series about The Medicine Wheel - to learn my secrets.

(Remember, the Medicine Wheel is a sacred manifestation map that leverages the energy of the four directions to effortlessly birth the desires of your heart).

This week we are in The North, the sacred direction of effortless action.

In the video, you'll find out:

  • why being uncomfortable is actually a sign that you are on the verge of greatness

  • how to let go of needing to know the next 10,000 steps before actually doing the thing you want to do

  • specific energy practices for drawing on the power of the sun, moon, and stars to help you (so that you don't have to do it all yourself)

  • why there's no such thing as failure, and how that frees you to create what you want to create

Watch today’s episode of Urban Shamanism now to find out how working with the North will give you the true power to effortlessly manifest the desires of your heart.


Stay tuned 'til the end of the vid to get your weekly 'Inner Shaman' practice.

Then, let me know in the comments below the video:

What are you currently working on that feels like a struggle? Which of today's tips feels the most powerful for turning that into effortlessness?

To Your Power,





The Medicine Wheel.

A sacred map for expert manifesting.

A printable guide to help you work with the energy of the four directions to create your dream life with ease.

  • Gives you a compass to orient yourself so that you always know exactly where you are in reference to your dreams

  • Offers quick 'course correction' so you can alter your reality when things get hard (so that they can flow again)

  • Lays the energetic groundwork for effortless action so that your road is clear of obstacles.

5 Energy Tips for Easy Self-Discipline in 2020 (and a life that works for you)

5 Energy Tips for Easy Self-Discipline in 2020 (and a life that works for you)

The Medicine Wheel - The West

The Medicine Wheel - The West