How to reliably + consistently connect to the cosmic mind

How to reliably + consistently connect to the cosmic mind


Hey there dear one,

Did you know that there is a part of your brain that reliably connects you to God-consciousness?

And that you can get there consistently - daily, even - more easily than you might think for clear guidance, direction, insight, and inspiration?

Watch today's episode of Urban Shamanism to find out:

  • what this part of the brain is

  • how to access it

  • and the immense benefits of doing so


Stay tuned 'til the end of the vid to get your weekly 'Inner Shaman' practice.

Then, let me know in the comments below:

What does this open up for you? Have you used a process like this before to connect to the cosmic mind? How does it feel to give this a try?

To Your Higher Self,

PS - Be sure to download the free cheatsheet I made for you below that summarizes how to access the benefits of this spiritual part of your brain!




The Right-Brain: A Gateway to Your Higher Self

Learn how to consistently and reliably access the part of your brain that's always connected to the cosmic mind (and the benefits of doing so).

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The 1st Universal Law of Divine Purpose

What is 'Urban Shamanism'?

What is 'Urban Shamanism'?