What is 'Urban Shamanism'?

What is 'Urban Shamanism'?


Hey there sweet spirit,

Did I ever tell you about the time I went on my first Shamanic retreat, and I felt sooo awkward?

I hung out on the periphery of the 'cool' spiritual kids, who had a rustic style vibe all their own. They drummed and rattled and sang jungle songs in Spanish called icaros that I didn't know the words to (nor did I feel like I could sing even if I did).

I felt decidedly like an outcast - a total city-slicker - and definitely not 'spiritual' enough.

But Shamanism wasn't letting me off the hook that easily. I knew deep down in my heart that I was meant to be a healer and to work with the energetic realm.

So I stuck with it despite the severe self-consciousness.

I now sing the same icaros, and I drum, and I rattle. I paint and dance and talk to my power animals. I own feathers and stones and sacred tools that I have the profound honor to use in the deep energy healing of others.

And, I’ve gotten in touch with my own inner medicine: that particular mix of experiences, strengths, talents, and struggles that have become my message.

My painful experience ended up teaching me something really important, and I became inspired to make this kind of healing and energy work accessible to everyone.

We all have inside of us an Inner Shaman, no matter where we hail from or what we wear or how much coffee we drink.

We all deserve joy, abundance, and freedom. Even in the concrete jungle.

Especially here.

Because it's otherwise so devoid of magic in the busy day-to-day.

It's so easy in our hectic, urban lives to get completely lost in the illusion.

To forget Who We Really Are and who we came here to be.

Which is why I created Urban Shamanism.

And this week’s episode walks you through what this means to me, and more importantly, what this means for you.

Especially in terms of helping you access your own inner healer + energy worker so that you can effectively manifest the extraordinary life you were put here to have:

A great career, a big impact, avalanches of abundance, a partnership that lights you up, the home of your dreams, travel to exotic places, peace, ease, and flow. 

Because that which you desire is exactly what you were meant to have. You wouldn't have been inspired with it otherwise. 

So watch today’s episode of Urban Shamanism to find out what Shamanism is, how Urban Shamanism is defined, and - most importantly - why this affirms that you do indeed have an inner shaman, as well as your own perfect medicine to share with the world.


Stay tuned 'til the end of the vid to get your weekly 'Inner Shaman' practice.

Then, let me know in the comments below:

Do you feel like you were born to be a healer? An energy worker? A raiser of consciousness? A light-worker? How does it feel to have permission to view yourself as the masterful shaman you already are inside? 

To The Shaman Within,



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