What's a Shamanic Healing?

What's a Shamanic Healing?

When we feel blocked or stuck, it’s because there’s a heavy or dense energy pattern in the field that can’t move. This energy, referred to as hootcha, is like a shadow getting on the way of us knowing who we really are (like dark clouds in front of our sun, temporarily making us forget that the sun is there). Hootcha is the ‘ego activity’, and the only beings in the world who have it are us (humans). You’ll recognize this energy as anything that makes you feel heavy, disharmonious, or out of alignment.

Hootcha manifests as all types of mental, physical, emotional, and situational disturbances. The objective of any Shamanic session is to get that hootcha cleared out and released, and then call in extremely refined, light, bright energy called Sami.

Sami is divine light, your essence. Sami is super refined high frequency packed full of blessings and energy that is totally resonant with who you really are.

During a Shamanic healing, you might sit or lay down as the practitioner is guided to where the hootcha is blocked and what to do to release it. A shamanic practitioner uses sacred tools that are connected to powerful nature allies that embody various qualities of Spirit and are extremely powerful and effective at clearing out hootcha and calling in Sami.

A typical healing may include drumming, rattling, singing, chanting, feather work, sacred smoke (like sage, palo santo, or mapacho, which is blessed tobacco), bells, singing bowls, flower water, or any other tools the practitioner feels guided to use based on your particular energy needs.

This is typically very relaxing as you allow yourself to simply receive the healing. You may occasionally feel a release, like tears or yawns or other signs that the energy is moving. Whatever comes up is exactly what needs to come up, so it’s good to just let go and surrender and allow the healing and integration to happen.

It can be nice to have an intention going into a healing, and also to know that in the end Spirit takes over and clears what needs to be cleared whatever the intention; some of it may be hootcha beneath your conscious awareness (some of it lifetimes old).

The real goal of any shamanic healing is to leave you feeling lighter and brighter, in touch with who you really are: an unlimited divine being, a powerful creative force, a precious child of the universe, and, yes, spirit herself.

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