How to know if you're on the right path

How to know if you're on the right path


Are you unsure if you are on the right path? Or confused about which decision to make?

The universe has a language that it uses to communicate the 'right' answers to you (the ones most in alignment with your soul), but only if you know how to hear it...

Watch this week's episode of Urban Shamanism to find out what this secret universal language is, and how to translate it so that it makes sense in your life.

I also include for you six unequivocal signs that let you know you're headed in the right direction, and give you clarity on which path to take.

(Plus I share with you a little personal story about how I used this language to access my own divine path. It all started with an Ayurvedic reading in 2011...)


Stay tuned 'til the end of the vid to get your weekly 'Inner Shaman' practice.

Then, let me know in the comments below:

How is the universe trying to talk to you, and - given this week's video - what is it saying?

To The 'Universal' Language,



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