The feminine path

The feminine path


The Feminine Path is not for the faint of heart. It requires a high degree of spiritual maturity, or She will eat you up.

The Feminine invites you down her darkly rich terrain when you're ready for it, because it requires a tremendous amount of power and surrender to take responsibility for our victimization.

The only way through this work is by seeing the games we play with the outside world that allow us to avoid the tender edges within.

It doesn't matter how 'spiritually evolved' we are - we are still playing these games. They actually get more insidious the more 'work' we've done. In fact, being ‘spiritually evolved’ is its own game.

(To know whether or not you are still playing games, take this easy test: do you have a physical body? If so, you are still playing games. When there are no games left to master, you are no longer on this earth plane - with very few exceptions. If this confronts you, that is exactly the game I am talking about).

True freedom lies in our ability to see the actors we've hired to play out our dramas with us as perfect reflections of the unresolved traumas within (our edges), which each house direct access to our divinity.

It is like this:

Every time you meet a new edge inside yourself, there is a mini rebirth cycle that happens within the bigger arc of the epic journey.

  • Rewilding: The trigger happens, you see there is a 'knot' in the inner landscape. You go there.

  • Reclamation: You find it and feel it in your body. It opens to you with its hidden treasure.

  • Renaissance: You experience the orgasmic rush of the knot coming loose as you discover the gold nugget of truth within.

  • Roar: The truth is spoken from this place. Easy, immovable, shored up, and unavailable for bullshit.

This video transmission walks you through the journey:

You will know if The Feminine Path is for you at this time.

She’s weird, wild, wet, and wonderful.

And when you open to Her fully, she’s the sweet, soft safety of the Divine Mother that suckles the wounded parts of you in her soothing embrace until they are raised into your unapologetic, unbound, and unf**kwithable power.





The Feminine Path

Dismantle. Untangle. Unwind. Shed the layers that have been suffocating you. Land with a boom inside your body. And take up some motherfucking space.

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